Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Party at El Garaje

This is our first Christmas without our Lola Beling (Maria), grand matriarch of H-77 El Garaje. It is in her remembrance that, as a family, we never cease to strengthen the bind that ties all of us.

So, on December 24, 2010, through Uncle Metz's courteous initiative and despite of the short notice, Lola Beling's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren trooped to the H-77 El Garaje for the no-fail, annual Christmas Family Party.

The attendance was not perfect, but the clan seems to be looking good and productive as the adults were clearly outnumbered by the new generations.  

We started the celebration with the "Kasadya" song, and onwards to a mini-program of singing, dancing, games, eating, and gift-giving.  Who could have enjoyed it very much but the kids! After all, this is one celebration in a year that is primarily intended for them. 

Indeed, Christmas is truly for Children and Family. While people in other parts of the world simply sleep on this event, it is different here.  We, Filipinos, traditionally take the extra heck and mile to prepare for this season.  Same with this family of ours.

CIA-shots during the Merry Party; We'll have another one for New Year celebration
Vince, always reminding you that Jesus
loves you, singing 500 Miles;
He got from Lolo Metz P20 for each 100 miles sung
Singers and Dancers were never empty-handed;
Here, getting their prizes from Lola Wena;
Three-year old Dylan, in red-shirt, wondering what to do with his P20
The year has not been very prosperous for everyone, still, we have no complains; for no matter how you flip our lives, we are fairly blessed -- something that, I hope everyone agrees with, we should be truly thankful.  Here in this party, I can feel such blessing, highlighting the idea that FAMILY is and will always be the gift that is present all-year round!

And though you may call this year's family Christmas party a last-minute call, the fun and the spirit it re-created were exactly the same ones that our dear Lola would like to see had she been around.  For all you know, she's a sucker for "get-togethers" and excitement.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GUYS! WISHING YOU ALL A FRUITFUL NEW YEAR!  Scroll down for more fun and laughter . . . 

H-77 El Garaje Resident Kids, showing off what they bagged for the night

Hug your gifts really tight, kids! Somebody might snatch them away ... 

Santa Clause in Disguise: Thank you, Thank you!

Kids, er ... Adults, all game for the farewell dance


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